Our March 2022 resource list comes at a special time when the world’s celebrating Open Data Day and International Women’s Day concurrently and at a time when the world is making deliberate efforts to build back better. As we celebrate the gains made, we continue to rally for prioritization of the publication and use of open gender data across Sub-Saharan Africa to ensure that we are not exacerbating the marginalization of the poorest and most vulnerable people, mostly women and girls.


  • What AODN is reading this Month


Report: Why Covid-19 Recovery Must Be Gender Responsive

This summary highlights key learning from research from the Covid-19 Responses for Equity (CORE) initiative focusing on the impact the pandemic is having across different vulnerable groups and how gender intersects and often exacerbates these effects. Supported by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), CORE brings together 21 projects to understand the socioeconomic impacts of the pandemic, improve existing responses, and generate better policy options for recovery. The research is being led primarily by local researchers, universities, think tanks, and civil society organizations across 42 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. Download here.


Blog: Data Infrastructure Is For Everybody

In theory, standards for open data are designed to benefit everybody. Yet in practice, there is a tendency to overlook issues related to equity and inclusion. The same profile of experts is generally invited to participate in the research and workshops designed to develop the standards. So despite claims that the process is “open to all”, the standards end up being developed by people with similar mindsets and experiences, which can introduce not only blindspots but bias in the resulting data. Even though most open data standards supposedly apply to the Global South, they did not originally include options for translations and modifications by local communities. These changes were only made later after considerable pressure. Read More.


Report: 2022 SDG Gender Index 

Less than a quarter of countries are making ‘fast’ progress towards gender equality, and one in every three countries is either making no progress at all or is moving in the wrong direction. At the current pace, the 2030 deadline to achieve gender equality will not be met. The 2022 SDG Gender Index sounds the alarm on global progress towards gender equality and unveils a blueprint for change. Download the full report.


Blog: How Data Can Accelerate Equality

Gender data are a form of women and girls’ empowerment and knowing how to read and act on these data can accelerate gender equality. This is why it is important to present gender data in an easily accessible and actionable format that is useful to different stakeholders, from policymakers and gender advocates to researchers and journalists.  The World Bank Group has redesigned its Gender Data Portal with these audiences in mind by offering over 900 gender indicators in different formats, ranging from raw data to appealing visualizations and stories. Read More.


Report: Amplified Abuse

Online violence manifests during periods of political activity, and, when directed at women in public life and political discourse, is an example of Violence Against Women in Politics (VAW-P). It is, therefore, referred to as Online Violence Against Women in Politics (OVAW-P). In order to understand how the “Amplified Abuse” report sought to identify and analyze the scale of online violence targeted at women political candidates and high-profile individuals during the January 2021 General Election in Uganda. The report also sought to determine how this online harassment might impact their use of social media platforms for political activity during the elections. This summary is an extract from the full report.

  • Events/Webinars

Hack and Learn spring 2022, March 24th- April 7th

EU Datathon, March 31st

African Observatory on Responsible AI, March 31st.


Early on in the year  @OpenDataWatch, @ECA_OFFICIAL, @Data2X, and @ContactPARIS21 co-hosted an event to discuss improving the effectiveness of gender data dissemination and use. Our ED, Muchiri Nyaggah participated in the event and was speaking on the communicating gender data panel. Great insights were shared during the event. Find the links to the event and some of the presentations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LHBGXSewUU  and  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o140b0G7HLQ

A list of PowerPoint presentations can be accessed here:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GfImmakTR-yyVCX4KVSfZrErBGHODEww


  • Available training/tools
