Good Governance

Addressing the trust deficit that exists between governments and citizens through better open government and accountable use of evidence and new technologies remains an opportunity still not adequately leveraged to spur development progress.

Good governance and accountable collection, use, and dissemination of data and other forms of evidence for decision-making are critical for equitable sound development policy and implementation. We are interested in ways through which data-informed decisions can be part of business-as-usual in Africa’s governments. We implement holistic programs – working simultaneously with political leaders to strengthen policies, administrators to improve data flows and availability, department heads to routinely utilize evidence, and citizens to demand accountability.

Our Action

Research, Knowledge, and Technical Assistance

to advance data for development.

Institutionalizing Open Government

to increase transparency and accountability within government.

Strengthening Capacity

for evidence-informed decision making.

Programs & Projects

Programs & Projects

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Partner Spotlight

We are grateful for the collaboration and support of our partners over the years who have helped us bring our vision to life.

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